Monday, October 28, 2013

Eleventh grade!

Follow this link and read the "Poetry Pairing." It's a creepy photo, poem, and excerpt from a NY Times article in the spirit of Halloween. Read some of the other students comments on the site as well.

The Pine Barrens, a largely undeveloped area of South Jersey, is the setting for the long-standing tale of the Jersey Devil, a creature still search for and even report seeing. Go to related article »

Then, return to this blog and leave your own reaction as a comment below. :)

Tenth graders!

Halloween, a favorite holiday of many, will be here on Thursday.

Will you celebrate? If so, how? Do you plan to wear a costume, give out candy to trick-or-treaters, watch a scary movie or spend the evening waiting for it to be over? Why?

Leave your answers as comments below!

Ninth grade!

On page 3 in October's Scholastic, there is an article about Affect vs. Effect! Read through the article and then write a few example sentences of your own using affect and effect properly. (2 each, 4 total)

Affect is commonly used as a verb meaning “to influence.”

Effect is commonly used as a noun meaning “a result or consequence.” 

Write your examples below as a comment. 

Eighth Graders!

Read "The Dead Rising!" from October's Scholastic (begins on page 9) and answer the following questions in a comment below!

1. How does the author portray the townspeople during the exhumation ritual?
(author’s craft)
2. What does Lena’s final speech reveal about who she really is? What other clues does the
author provide about her identity?
(character/author’s craft)

Seventh Graders!

In October's Scholastic issue, there was a contest for a "Fabulous First-Line!"

Here is a link to the video we watched in class if you need to review:

Scroll down to find the video, "Video: Wht is a Fabulous First Line?"

Comment below with your name and your "Fabulous First-Line!"

(You may need to create a login ID to comment. Make sure you keep your username and password somewhere safe for future use!)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Wisdom from an eighth grader....

Wisdom from an eighth grader: "When you see someone's true beauty, there's not much to judge about a person."

Monday, October 21, 2013

A fresh start!

With the new quarter comes a chance for a fresh start, fresh air, flying snow, and state testing! This week, I will be missing my 7th, 8th, and 11th graders while they are out for state testing. The rest of us will finish up with some writing projects. Next week, expect some interactive, tech-savvy assignments featuring and Google Docs. I'm also excited to see everyone's Halloween costumes and share some ghost stories on Halloween!

As we begin a fresh new quarter, let's quickly become reacquainted with some classroom policies. Expect to see a stricter enforcement of late policies as well as a more discerning participation point system. I will be docking points for behavior issues and unpreparedness for class. So come prepared, stay on top of your homework, and remember to be respectful in class.

At the beginning of class each day, we will continue to journal for the first ten minutes of class. There will also be regular SSR time, so a reading book is a must-have for class!

• Makeup work is YOUR responsibility. If you are going to be out of town or absent for any
reason, make arrangements ahead of time. If you were sick absent for another reason, see me to find out what you need to make up.
*Also, please note, if you have an EXCUSED absence and want credit for the day's participation points, I need to see a note.
*Also, please note that participation points are worth 5 points a day, at a .5 weight, resulting in 12.5 points per week factored into your overall grade.
Due dates are firm. Work that is one day late receives half credit. Work that is two days late
or beyond receives zero credit.
• Quizzes and tests must be made up within three days of your absence.

• Cheating or plagiarism will result in a zero.
* I am still accepting extra credit essays.
• Finally, most weeks will culminate with a quiz on the weekʼs lessons on Friday. Any
story, worksheet, multimedia, or classroom discussion from the week is fair game for these
quizzes so take notes and listen carefully!

Classroom Rules:
I have only one rule and it is the Golden Rule.
Treat others how you would like to be treated.
Itʼs true: the rule of treating others as you want to be treated will ultimately lead to your
own happiness. Letʼs say that you apply the Golden Rule to all of your interactions with other people, and you help your neighbors, you treat your family with kindness, you go the extra mile for your teachers, you help a classmate in need.Now, these actions will undoubtedly be good for the people you help but youʼll also notice a strange thing along the way... People will treat you better in return. Beyond that, you will find a growing satisfaction in yourself, a belief in yourself, a knowledge that you are a good person and youʼll learn to trust yourself. :)

Let's stay on track, keep our grades up, and enjoy the holiday season as it approaches!

As always, see me with any questions. My personal e-mail that I have 24/7 access to is

This week! 10/21/13

Monday 10/21                
Tuesday 10/22
Wednesday 10/23
Thursday 10/24
Friday 10/25
This week’s journal prompts will be photos. The journal prompts will be collected Friday as a replacement for the quiz.

English 7
Correct grammar
4th period group only:

"Where I'm From" poem
3rd period group only:

4th period group only:
"Where I'm From" poem

3 journal prompts due

3rd period group only:

3 journal prompts due

English 8
 Correct grammar
2 journal prompts due

English 9
 Correct Grammar
Tax Surplus Persuasive Essay
Due Today

5 journal prompts due

English 10
 Correct grammar
Due Today
5 journal prompts due

English 11
 Correct grammar
2 journal prompts due


·         SSR: Sustained Silent Reading

      E-mail or message me for photo journal prompts if absent this week.